I was off I know it. I could not simultaneously handle a full-time job + 10-day intense coaching course + household + 2 businesses (photography and coaching). Two weeks ago, I got the green light to acquire a coaching certificate, which meant I could put that little icon next to my name, “certified” coach. I was not ready for it. To be honest. I did not want to be prepared to do it, but the circumstances and the signs from the universe were pointing in that direction. It was a coincidence so I took my chance.

I was a bit desperate with my coaching sessions because I felt I didn’t have the proper marketing skills. It is frustrating when you see people in a situation where you know you could help them, but they either:

  1. Don’t have the money for it,

  2. Do not think they need it,

  3. Don’t know someone like this exists.

I felt that this is an opportunity for me to test myself, my, skills and my theory. To be honest, I do not believe in fast-earning certification. It is a waste of money if you are planning to stop at the point of receiving it and when I am thinking that there are thousands of people who earn this certification during the weekend and then coach you “unprepared”, that is a catastrophe. Not talking about the point that they would take money for it.

“I think there is a huge difference between the people who want to have quick-fix, and people who are investing their whole lifetime- and actually changing their lifestyle according to it.”

Having a quick course is a good start, but it is not gonna help anyone to solve their problems or make their life turn 180 degrees.


The difference is in the way you think about different parts of your life. The process of thinking is highly fluctuating. It should always change to become more resistant, more flexible, more anything you can imagine. That way, our brain and our personality are becoming better than our previous selves. One week course is not gonna change that. It can just trigger the passion inside you or make you think differently, but it needs time. I am always saying that I didn’t become who I am now, from one day to another. From one week to another, Not even from one year to another. My self-development journey started when I was a kid/teenager. I was 14 y.o. when I first saw a motivational video on youtube, I started to think differently about myself. I tested myself in the process. And that is the key. To involve yourself in the process. From my own experience that is the way you can uplevel any skill you want to have to succeed. I want to live this. I don’t want to have a course and that’s it, the work is done. I would not be able to live in it. It’s a lie for me. What changed was that no matter how you want people will always judge you in some ways, the only thing that matters is what you are gonna do then. And that is the point of growing from the inside out. You can be the best in your area, and you can have the most amount of badges and certificates until you are not able to show what you know and what you stand for, it is useless.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where stickers and badges tell about your personality and knowledge more than when you talk. I am not a big fan of this, and I think I will never be, but I understand now that I mean what I am doing. I love to coach and I always felt moved by self-developing myself thus I become the best version of myself. That is something which is giving me freedom and I feel that I have a meaning. Nevertheless, this 11 days course was a game changer for me in many ways because as much as I tried I saw the opportunity to grow and not think about badges. The course was very intense - cca 5-10 hours per day, where I learned some old-school techniques on how to lead a very straightforward conversation without feelings. On the other hand, I ensured myself the fact that conversation is always the key to solving many problems. During the week we’ve been training for this for most of the time. How to ask the right open questions, how to continue the conversation in a matter the most prosperous for the client and many other things. When I am thinking about it back it gave me more about myself as a person than about coaching, because I learnt nothing that much I didn’t already know. In a personal way, I understood that I am already on some different level and that proved my theory and my coaching skills. In an interpersonal way, I understood a very good thing about myself and that was the conversation with women. I had issues with this but after this course I realised it was all just in my head, structured according to some old paradigm. Eventually, the whole course was very pleasant for me, even though I was a bit bored I was challenged as well. I believe I had a good amount of positive and not that many negative experiences.

What I want you to take out of this is to be cautious. If you are seeking an expert, give people a chance to talk first, observe them and then decide if you are feeling comfortable with them. Do not seek just badges and stickers on their forehead because it is not much saying about their ability as of the depth of their wallet.

Believe your senses. Look at the evidence but be cautious.

Take care.

Love & hugs,





WEEKLY THOUGHTS #11 (part 2)