First day of weekly thoughts #1. Today I woke up with the feeling that I am missing something. I am a huge fan of experimenting with myself and I am always trying new methods, tools and ways how to improve my daily life. At 5:30 AM my alarm started, and then I shut it down. I stayed in the bed for another 7 minutes because I wanted to not rush to my day. I was already awake so there was no point in that. I quickly realised that something is happening and that I am not feeling as comfortable as any other day. Usually, I am talking to myself in the morning as part of my routine but today I realised that another part of this “talking” was missing. It was one practice that I was doing as a part of my coaching training. It is called “positive thinking or savouring”. I did this practice for a few months. It is quite simple and easy to do. I was saying to myself 3 positive things I am grateful for each morning right after waking up. That was it. And today, I was there, laying down at 5:37 AM, not knowing what was happening to me and what I am missing. Isn’t it obvious? Silly me. When I realised I was missing this part of practice within my morning routine, I pointed out to my brain what we are gonna do. For today I listed three things I was and am grateful for:

  • for the mindful, compassionate and not-easy conversations, I do have with my partner

  • for my life in general, for what I have and do not have

  • for our pets and that I can take care of them

I felt really better. After savouring, I went to do my daily exercise and this little acknowledgement made me so calm and relaxed for my day. I am grateful I found something I can implement in my life to make it wonderful for me. So, what is your little practice?

Take care.

Love & hugs,

